Spring 2025 Growth Group Covenant

The Journey's Spring 2025
Growth Group Covenant

Welcome to your Spring Growth Group at The Journey. Congratulations on your desire to grow deeper in your relationship with God through this weekly study and the relationships that will begin in this Growth Group.

As a member of this group, you will be asked to enter into a covenant with the other members to make this Growth Group a priority. To be a part of the group, you are asked to make the following commitments:

1. I will make this group a priority by attending each week,
keeping up with my assignments, and participating in group

2. I will regularly attend The Journey services and contribute to
the ministry of the church through my attendance, giving,
service and inviting of others.

3. I will strive to build authentic relationships with those in this
group by showing care, providing encouragement, and praying
for their needs.

4.I will intentionally share my faith with those around me by
reaching out to lost and unchurched friends by praying, giving a
verbal witness and inviting them to The Journey.

5. I will serve at Church together with my group once a month.

6. I will explore honestly my next steps for spiritual growth.