on Saturday, February 22!

Join your friends from The Journey and make a difference by putting together and handing out FREE LUNCHES 
and winter gloves to the less fortunate on the Lower East Side on the last Saturday of each month from 11:45am-1:15pm.

We will:

- Provide supplies to make sandwiches
- Put together bagged lunches for up to 100 people
- Have a short devotion and pray together
- Serve lunches & winter gloves to those in need in Tompkins Square park

This is a great opportunity to show God’s love in a practical way in Tompkins Square Park on the Lower East Side.
All you need to bring is yourself and some cash to help purchase the lunch supplies.  
It’s a small investment with an eternal return.

We’ll meet at East 7th Street Baptist Church at 205 East 7th Street – between Avenues B & C
(closest subways are Union Square and the F at Astor Place).

Upcoming Opportunities to Serve the Less Fortunate with Graffiti:
Saturday, February 22
For questions, please email [email protected] or call/text 212.730.8300.